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view post Posted on 16/6/2015, 19:01     +2   +1   -1

The Scythe that Reaps




Mi viene quasi da piangere...

Ok, Taro NON deve fare casino a questo giro o rischia la salute fisica (che quella mentale se l'è giocata tempo fa).

A giudicare dalle poche immagini, quello sembra il villaggio di Nier (0:20), la fabbrica di Gepetto (0:31), poi una location nuova ? (nello storyboard c'era una città-albero che venne in seguito trasformata nell'Aerie - oppure potrebbe essere il 'nuovo' Aerie), altre strutture tecnologiche non ben identificate (l'interno del Junk Heap ? quel posto era enorme), le rovine della città dello Shadowlord (1:06), la Forest of Myth (1:18) - con una versione remix della Song of the Ancients :megasbav: ... e il personaggio, dal colore degli occhi, sembrerebbe essere Kainè (o una Yonah adulta, ma i suoi occhi sono più sull'azzurrino) !!!

Edited by The Wraith - 16/6/2015, 20:34
view post Posted on 16/6/2015, 19:23     +1   +1   -1

Millenium Member



Peccato che non ho il WiFi per esprimere meglio il conflitto interiore che sto avendo in questo momento, fra la gioia enorme di sapere che esiste un nuovo capitolo di uno dei giochi che mi hanno piú emozionato in assoluto e nello stesso tempo la paura fottuta che quel pazzoide sminchi tutto.
Non vedo l'ora di metterci le mani.
view post Posted on 16/6/2015, 20:35     +2   +1   -1

Millenium Member

Scrap Gang


Da quest'immagine prima o poi bisognerà farci un meme.
view post Posted on 17/6/2015, 09:23     +1   +1   -1

The Scythe that Reaps



Nuovi screenshot, le ambientazioni urbane devastate sembrano uno spettacolo.

Square Enix ha annunciato l'uscita di NieR New Project (titolo provvisorio), un nuovo gioco di ruolo d'azione in terza persona e seguito del successo del 2010 NieR. Con un innovativo mix di azione e elementi del gioco di ruolo, NieR New Project è attualmente in fase di sviluppo con la collaborazione di PlatinumGames Inc., in esclusiva per PlayStation®4.

Lo straordinario team di sviluppo include il produttore Yosuke Saito (DRAGON QUEST X / NieR), il regista Yoko Taro (Drakengard / NieR), il character designer Akihiko Yoshida di CyDesignation, Inc. (FINAL FANTASY® XIV / BRAVELY DEFAULT), il game designer Takahisa Taura di PlatinumGames Inc. (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance), e il compositore Keiichi Okabe di MONACA, Inc. (TEKKEN / Drakengard / NieR).

PlatinumGames Inc. si concentrerà sullo sviluppo di un sistema di combattimento d'azione e sulla realizzazione di un'esperienza visiva inedita che sfrutti al meglio le potenzialità di PlayStation4.

I PlatinumGames come team di sviluppo spazzano via i miei timori sul versante tecnico del gioco. NieR era un ottimo action-rpg con un dettaglio grafico basso (personaggi a parte) ma degli stupendi effetti di bloom 'forzati' che rendevano perfettamente l'atmosfera 'straniante' del mondo e un'incredibile draw-distance per quanto riguardava gli avversari (mentre alcuni NPC comparivano a breve distanza ma ok, erano così pochi che uno ci faceva poco caso - giusto il mercante del DLC ti appariva 'quasi in faccia').
Niente più orrori tecnici come quelli di Access Games con Drakengard 3 (e 'incidentalmente' Deady Premonition, onestamente mi sa che a programmare hanno messo degli scappati di casa).

E' la STORIA però che non deve fallire, NieR aveva dei personaggi e delle tematiche pazzesche... oltre a un lore gigantesco ma appena accennato. E quello poteva essere in effetti un problema per capire certe cose (soprattutto se uno non sapeva che fosse il seguito del Finale E di Drakengard 1) ma non inficiava la qualità della storia; le cose che uno doveva sapere venivano dette (anche se praticamente alla fine, in un momento shock) e tutto il resto era un gigantesco surplus per apprezzare le varie sfumature. E poi giocando la seconda run si coglieva il 90% di quello che mancava, con un effetto 'Sesto Senso' geniale e tristissimo.
Con Drakengard 3 Taro ha tentato una strada simile, con il momento shock alla fine, le run successive per cogliere le sfumature eccetera... ma ha toppato alla grande con dei personaggi piattissimi e battute slapstick 'in your face' talmente grezze da fare il giro e diventare grezzissime. Alcuni momenti MOLTO ben riusciti (Zero 'going Orochimaru' la prima volta, il DLC di Two, il Finale A, l'infernale battaglia finale del Finale D da tirare giù tutto il calendario)... ma per il resto piattume assurdo. Non aiutava che a livello di gameplay il gioco fosse una pallidissima ombra dei primi Drakengard, con le fasi a bordo del Drago ridotte all'osso (raddoppiavano con i DLC, e lì ce ne erano solo 3 o 4 ... ho detto tutto) e le fasi musou di una banalità disarmante, corridor running con una decina di str*nzi che comparivano in stanzoni e via.

Taro, NON fare ca**ate. Non voglio gli alieni di cui parlavi anni fa in questo gioco. Momenti umoristici ci stanno (nel primo NieR c'erano un sacco di momenti di banter tra i personaggi che erano delle perle) ma il tono NON deve essere quello di una commedia all'italiana con il momento triste alla fine. Lascia Edwige Fenech nel mondo di Zero e Mikhail, grazie.

Solo una nota:
se l'ultima inquadratura spostava un pò la gonna potevamo avere la conferma definitiva che quella fosse Kainè :P ... ma ho pochi dubbi.

EDIT: tra i fan del gioco (adoro il tumblr di questa ragazza ! è il più completo che conosca e denota la passione dell'autrice per questo gioco e l'ambientazione prodotta) cominciano le analisi approfondite del video. Il messaggio finale che compare in caratteri angelici, ad esempio.

thealmostking asked: What are the words that appear at the end of the trailer? Looks like Angelic Language. Which I guess is the alphabet used in the world's magic.

It is indeed the angelic alphabet! Which I can’t interpret myself but that’s the magic of the Internet!

According to aureateintoner:

The message at the end of the trailer is “NINGYOU HITO KIKAI” which translates to “DOLL HUMAN MACHINE” Obviously a reference to replicants and possibly the androids as well.

Edited by The Wraith - 17/6/2015, 10:59
view post Posted on 17/6/2015, 18:38     +1   -1

Millenium Member



Da Spaziogames emerge che il nuovo NieR non sarà un seguito vero e proprio ma un'altra storia originale con le stesse ambientazioni e background, anche se non è detto che non ci possano essere collegamenti e apparizioni dei personaggi che già abbiamo conosciuto. Taro Yoko ha detto che si può benissimo cominciare da questo senza giocare per forza al vecchio NieR per capirci qualcosa. (Uno spin-off di uno spin-off?)

Questo forse mi porta alla conclusione che la ragazza del trailer sia un volto completamente nuovo, anche se non esclude che potrebbe avere relazioni con Kaine o Yonah lo stesso.
view post Posted on 18/6/2015, 08:53     +1   +1   -1

The Scythe that Reaps



Ecco un pò di informazioni.

Taro did explain that the new Nier would feature three playable characters, two of which we have seen already; the white-haired girl who featured prominently in the trailer, and a small boy shown in a brief trailer shot standing on top of a building. The final character has yet to be revealed.

"For this new Nier, we kept an action RPG mindset and thought, this time we want to hit out a great, high-level JRPG, so we're going to stick to one character design," Saito added.


Taro and Saito explained that the new Nier project is more focused on creating an original story within the game world, and won't follow the narrative of the original. However, we can expect several Nier characters to make cameos. There will be these kind of connections, but Taro emphasized that newcomers won't feel alienated if they come to the new game without playing the original. Returning players, however, will enjoy a lot of nods and easter eggs from its predecessor.


"We are going to maintain that multiple playthrough idea for the new project, but in terms of the save file deletion thing, we probably won't do it, since we did it in the original one and want to do new things," Taro explained. "But we will have multiple playthroughs involved. But you know... we're still in early phases of development. Maybe we will delete you save files."


The new Nier will, however, retain the tone of the original game and the Drakengard series. It will keep its mature subject matter and approach to dialogue and presentation, not shying away from hyper-violence and sexualization.

"Drakengard was my first game as director, and we were actually told a lot by our advisory board to do retakes and make changes and honestly, I said, screw this, I'm not making another one," Taro said.

"I thought, with Nier, I'm going to make a normal game. That's what I tried to make, a normal game, though people think it's very dark and somber. But for me, that's normal."


Difficile esprimere un giudizio a questo punto, a essere sincero pensavo si fosse tentato di intraprendere la strada del 'Finale E' cancellato da NieR
e sarebbe stato uno spettacolo, ampliando la quest di Kainè per riportare in vita Nier con l'aiuto di Emil

mentre ora abbiamo la conferma che al più alcuni dei personaggi del primo NieR faranno una comparsa (e già possiamo escluderne ALCUNI - e a seconda di quale finale considerato canone, pure ALTRI).

Non avevo ben guardato la figura che si intravede a 1:10 nel video fosse differente dalla 'Kainè-non-Kainè' della fine ma è vero, sembra un ragazzo biondo. Quindi gestione singola del personaggio ma team con questi 2+1 protagonisti (una variante di NieR 1) ? Mi sta bene.

La STORIA Taro, non facciamo vaccate, eh. Che poi, detto a uno che considera un gioco 'normale' NieR 1 ('salve, per sbloccare il Finale D prego CANCELLARE TUTTO IL SALVATAGGIO. Ah, e il nome del personaggio che hai inserito non lo vogliamo più') ('Action RPG ? ma va, è pure un platform, un bullet hell e un'avventura testuale') e che considera Emil il suo personaggio preferito in assoluto fra tutti quelli che ha creato (Emil eh. Il suo preferito. Con tutto quello che gli fa capitare. Seems legit, chissà se gli stava sulle ba**e)....
view post Posted on 19/6/2015, 14:34     +1   +1   -1

The Scythe that Reaps



view post Posted on 21/6/2015, 09:58     +1   +1   -1

The Scythe that Reaps



Eh, no dai, non ci credo.

Yoko: I actually told Saito-san this, but for this game I'm actually going with more of a happy ending, surprisingly. It's sort of a twist, something I haven't really done.

Saito: Honestly, when Mr. Yoko presented me with his ideas, his draft for the game, I thought there was no way the game could end with a happy ending. I was reading through his basic ideas for the game going there's no way this could end well, but he insists that he's going to make a happy ending. So we'll see how it goes. I guess all we can say is look forward to when the game comes out to see for yourselves.

Resta da vedere cosa intende Taro per 'happy ending'. Conoscendo i suoi precedenti, qualcosa del tipo 'muoiono TUTTI tranne X'.

Qui per intenderci c'è l'intervista a Taro e Saito con la spiegazione del ruolo dei Platinum Games.

E qui l'intervista completa su Gematsu.

Per dire:
Yeah, I remember the ending to the last one.

Saito: “Yeah, he thinks that’s a happy ending, too.”

Taro: “It’s usually a happy ending.”

Edited by The Wraith - 21/6/2015, 11:39
view post Posted on 21/6/2015, 10:40     +1   +1   -1

The Scythe that Reaps



Un pò di info succose da tramite la traduzione di un articolo di Dengeki Online:

The new game will take place into the future, after Ending D of NieR.

Neither Gestalts nor Replicants will make an appearance.

Name drops of the previous NieR characters such as Nier, Yonah, and Kaine are likely, but that is all; however, Yoko Taro said that Emil will make an appearance. Likewise, Accord will also make an appearance in name only. He also said that a certain ******* character(s) will appear. Could this be Devola & Popola (DE-VO-LA-&-PO-PO-LA) or maybe even the Red Dragon (RE-D-DO DO-RA-GO-N)? The Dengeki Online interviewer seemed quite shocked by this news and wondered how it could be possible.

Yoko Taro stated that those who never played the first NieR can play the new one without a problem; however, he went on to say that it might be more confusing for those who have played the first one. He fears that fans may not see or even accept this new game as a true sequel. The fans might even be pissed by it.

Yoko Taro thinks the game has a “happy ending” but this statement startles both the Square Enix producer Saito Yosuke and Platinum Games game designer Taura when he says it. Yoko Taro is notorious for claiming a particular ending is “happy” when the general consensus calls it more tragic and sad than anything else. Saito goes on to say that he can’t see how there could possibly be a happy ending from the scripts he read. Yoko Taro then repeats, “I said it will be a happy ending! You don’t have to look so suspicious!”

The Junk Heap will be revisited. It is unclear, however, if it will be the exact same location as in the first title.

The concept art seemly does *not* depict Shinjuku but possibly other famous locations around the globe.

There appears to be a robot standing within the ruins of an old shopping mall. Besides this, there are many other shots of ruins including something that looks like the Golden Gate bridge in San Fransisco and a huge, rundown amusement park.

The image depicting a large building deep within a forest is called the “Forest Castle”.

An alternative reading of the Celestial writing in the teaser trailer translates to “ANGEL HUMAN ROBOT”.

Even those who are not very apt toward Action games will be able to complete this game because of the balance between the action and fun moments. Taura says this is the crux of the project.

There are many fans of the previous game who work at Platinum Games, so they will be sure to treat it with diligent care. Without getting into details, they feel this new game is very much like a “NieR” title. The feeling of the previous title is still intact while increasing the enjoyment of the action.

Since Yoko Taro is such a huge fan of the shooting genre, there will also be shooting segments in the game. Simply, there won’t be multiple genres shoved into a single game like the last one.

There will be a myriad of weapons with Weapon Stories.

There will be multiple playable characters that you can switch between. As far as the E3 announcement, it was stated that there will be 3 playable characters.

You cannot freely switch between the playable characters until you unlock them through multiple play-throughs. This seems like a call-back to the first Drakengard where more characters became playable after each ending.

The parameters for multiple play-throughs is different from previous games.

Action sequences will vary between characters even when they use the same weapon. Connecting combos will be quite fluid.

Besides the wild boar, there will be other types of vehicles as well.

CyDesignation offered to do the design of the game since the president was a huge fan of Nier, not to mention many female fans in the company as well.

Somewhere in the game, a rather disappointing but good-looking male character will make an appearance (this was the same way Cent was described in DOD3: “disappointing good-looking guy”).

Emi Evans will be back to sing for the game!!

There were ideas of making the next NieR game for smartphones or the PS Vita…but they decided to take things seriously–to really do it right–and make a great game for the PS4.

The majority of the plot and dialogue has already been decided, and the new game will delve deeper within the “World of Yoko Taro”.

Boar drifting confirmed :revil:

Inoltre, reazioni all'annuncio con tanto di presentazione completa e conferenza di Satana Emil Yoko Taro all'E3

view post Posted on 30/6/2015, 17:04     +1   +1   -1

The Scythe that Reaps



Nuova compagnia di Yoko Taro, Bukkoro.

Taro Yoko (Nier, Drakengard) has started a mysterious new company, Bukkoro. There's a website and not much else to go on. It does have adorable drawings done by Taiko Drum Master artist Yukiko Yokoo.

According to Siliconera, some of the drawing captions include, "I don’t really know any details…," "definitely soon…," and "It’s not done yet, so running away!"

Hana Kikuchi, who wrote for Nier and Drakengard 3, is also listed on the staff page.

Yoko, of course, is also working on Nier 2, for which he made a moon-faced appearance at E3 and recently moved to Osaka (from Tokyo) where developer Platinum Games is located.

Ah, per il nome della compagnia, su Siliconera hanno una spiegazione:


Bukkoro is one character short of the word for "I'll f*cking kill you" (Bukkorosu). I'd say this is a sign of great terrible things to come :)
view post Posted on 2/9/2015, 11:38     +2   +1   -1





Platinum Games has shared a new piece of NieR New Project concept art.

“A young boy stares out over a dilapidated city in this wonderful piece of concept art for #NieRNewProject,” the developer said in a tweet.

NieR New Project is in development for PlayStation 4.

view post Posted on 2/9/2015, 12:27     +2   +1   -1

The Scythe that Reaps



In realtà a voler essere fiscali questo 'nuovo concept art' era già stato mostrato nel primissimo (e finora unico) filmato dell'E3, al minuto 1:06. Come già annunciato, quel ragazzo sarà uno dei tre protagonisti giocabili.

Quello che trovo FICHISSIMO comunque è avere l'ambientazione 'urbana'
che nel primo NieR era relegata solo all'intro, a una delle subquest e al dungeon finale (seppure limitata agli scorci FUORI dalle finestre del palazzo dello Shadowlord)

Rimane da capire quale sarà la trama, Taro non ca**eggiare eh :listen:
view post Posted on 16/10/2015, 12:45     +2   +1   -1




Square Enix has announced its lineup for Paris Games Week later this month, and it includes the E3-announced NieR New Project for PlayStation 4.

Both producer Yosuke Saito and director Yoko Taro will bee at Paris Games Week for an exclusive presentation at the Square Enix booth that promises “new information” on October 29 at 11:00 local time.

The company’s full lineup is as follows:

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree’s Woe and the Blight Below (PS4)
Final Fantasy Explorers (3DS)
Final Fantasy XV (PS4, Xbox One)
Hitman (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
Just Cause 3
Life is Strange (PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, PC)
NieR New Project (PS4)
A new Collective Project production (Square Enix’s pre-crowdfunding indie service)

Paris Games Week runs from October 28 to November 1.

view post Posted on 18/10/2015, 00:10     +1   +1   -1

The Scythe that Reaps



Yasuhisa Taura di Platinum Games svela come l'idea di sviluppare un nuovo NieR sia partita da loro e non da Square Enix. Praticamente è un figlio di Bayonetta e di Satana (Yoko Taro).

When it was first announced at E3, the PS4 sequel to Nier sounded as if it was a project being co-developed by both Square Enix and Platinum Games. In fact, the game is essentially an in-house Platinum project that's being directed by Taro Yoko, the Square Enix staffer who also directed the original.

"Yes, the development is mostly taking place here at Platinum [in Osaka], and in our Tokyo office," designer Yasuhisa Taura tells GameSpot. "But we are of course getting help from Square Enix, and the composer for the original game is back to make new music. Also, the character design is being done by Akihiko Yoshida who works on CyDesignation, so we are borrowing people from other companies. But the majority of development is being done here."In a previous interview about the in-development game, Yoko remarked, "Platinum Games is a great company, so as far as I'm concerned, my job is sort of done as well."

Taura is the one who originally conceived the concept of a Nier sequel, which is an idea he had before Square Enix approached Platinum about the possibility of working on a game together.

"I was thinking of creating something new and I'm a really big fan of the original Nier," he says. "I was creating a video game proposal that was something along the lines of a sequel to Nier. Right around the time I was doing this, Square Enix actually came to us to ask if we wanted to do something with them, some kind of project. They didn't mention Nier specifically, but they said they wanted to do something with us. So we said, 'Okay, we have an idea for a Nier sequel, so let's do that.' And that's how it happened."

The original Nier is something of a cult classic despite not having received the warmest of critical receptions. It was developed by Cavia, the now-defunct studio also responsible for Drakengard, of which Nier was a spinoff. Considering the criticism and the fact that it was another developer's game, it seems like a curious idea for Taura to have had.

Asked why he wanted to make a sequel to Nier, Taura explains, "One of the big reasons is, I love action RPGs in general, and the first Nier game had such a wonderful blend of serious story with some really wacky parody elements of other video games. It's that juxtaposition of seriousness and wackiness, it's something that I really liked about that game. Above all else, the music and the script are what caught my attention the most."

When his seemingly unlikely game idea was given the green light, Taura says he was "very happy, but more than that I felt a lot of pressure. There's a pretty hardcore following here in Japan that really liked the original title, so there's going to be a lot of people with high expectations of our sequel."Taura's history is with action games, which he says he is leveraging to "make a combat system that is more fun than the original game's and that also blends into the story." We also know it's still going to be weird.

Nier was not just an action game, but also a role-playing game, something that is presenting Taura with new challenges. "This is the first time I've gotten to work on an RPG, so it brings a lot of interesting new elements with it," he says. "I've had a lot of fun playing around with that kind of system design."
view post Posted on 27/10/2015, 12:15     +2   +1   -1



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